According to the latest WHO data published in 2018, in 2040 the Spaniards will be the longest living nation in the world. They will overtake the Japanese, pushing them to the second place on the list where Spain currently stand. People living in Spain will live an average of 85.8 years.

Researchers emphasize that the key element responsible for the success of the Spaniards is the Mediterranean diet – rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and rice.

Adequate nutrition helps to overcome the main threats to human life and health – obesity, high blood pressure and high sugar levels. Other problems with which we will face humanity in the coming years are the negative consequences of the abuse of alcohol and tobacco.

According to WHO, the current life expectancy rates in Poland are as follows: Male 73.8, female 81.6 and total life expectancy is 77.8 which gives Poland a World Life Expectancy ranking of 40.

The main cause of death in Poland in 2017 was Coronary Heart Disease which reached 105,478 or 30.45% of total deaths. In second place is stroke deaths which reached 44,754 or 12.92% and in third place is lung cancer which reached 22,998 or 6.64% of total deaths.

Surprisingly, in 6th place is suicide deaths which reached 8,597 or 2.48% of total deaths. This ranks Poland as 15th in the suicide rankings in the world.

HIV is almost eradicated with 2.61 per 100,000 of the population dying of the disease in 2017 and is bizarrely out-ranked by people dying by fall with 8.14 per 100,000 people falling to their death!

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