Streetwise recently published an article about male escorts and how much they earn in various Polish cities. We wanted to dig deeper into the world of male escorts and their clients so we met up with Paweł who has been a male escort in Wrocław for 6 years. From a one off man on man experience to rich housewives, Paweł reveals an insight into his world.
Hi Paweł. How old are you and what is your job right now?
I’m 28 and I mainly work as a male escort. I also like painting but this doesn’t pay for the bills.
I noticed you call yourself an ‘escort’ and not a prostitute
There is a difference in my eyes.
What is the difference?
A prostitute is just for fulfilling sexual desires. An escort is hired for entertainment purposes. I always tell my clients that sex is not guaranteed and it depends on the chemistry. Women get that. They also don’t want sex if there isn’t mutual chemistry.
How about if the woman is ugly?
When you first meet someone you can judge them only by the look. I spend many hours with my clients and if there is a chemistry it doesnt matter if they are stunners or ugly. Beauty is within 100 %
Do you work everyday?
Everyday? Nooo way, definitely not. The kind of woman I attract requires me to research and plan our encounter from start to finish. I try to limit my bookings to 1 or 2 per week. I’m also a father of a 5-year-old so I like to be around for him too.
You have a partner?
She left me before I started escorting. She was beautiful but very ugly inside. She abandoned us both.
How would you describe your clients?
Mainly 35 – 55 year old women. Some are married and some are not. They tend to be well off and also from good jobs or businesswomen. Some are looking for an experienced lover for the night and others are just lonely.
How long do you normally spend with a client?
My bookings tend to be between 4 to 6 hours. Occasionally they’re 24 hours, which is my preference because I get the opportunity to create a real fantasy for her. Money isn’t an issue for this type of woman, and she usually wants to escape some sort of high-powered stressful job for an evening or a night. When she comes to me, she’ll often express how she wants to feel but will leave the intricate details to me, which is such a turn on.
How about guys?
No, no… I’m straight. I get many propositions from men but I just can’t get a hard-on thinking about it. Although, I have been with a man a couple of times
So why did you do it?
The money was too good.
When you had sex with a guy, how was that for you?
I imagined that he was a woman, I closed my eyes and thought about all the erotic things which I’ve done with girls in the past. I didn’t think about the guy I was having sex with, only when I opened my eyes. And I must say during those moments when my eyes were open, I found it pretty difficult. I realized it wasn’t for me so I decided not to do it anymore. I was young at the time and was up to try most things.
What does an average session involve when your with a woman?
It can vary so much but there’s a lot of hotels, nice bars, restaurants, long drives in the countryside,
A couple of weeks ago I met a woman who was married and on a business trip in Warsaw. She was from Italy. After talking for a few hours it got more erotic, I lay between her legs on my side, my arm around her waist and slowly licked her clit until she was close to orgasm. Then she pulled me inside her. After that I massaged her and we fell asleep.
How did you know she was married?
She told me. She said she knows her husband has affairs and rather than leave him she decided to have fun also. They have kids so it can be complicated to get divorced sometimes.
How much did she pay?
600 euros
Where do you find your clients?
Recommendations mostly but I also work with a few high-end escort agencies. That’s how you found me, right?
Yes. Do you like your job?
Yes and no. Of course, I would like to be a lawyer or something but I was never good at school. The only thing going for me is my looks.
Is that why you became a gigolo?
Hahaha. Gigolo sounds funny. I remember that when I used to go out it was very easy for me to hook up with a girl. Many girls used to chat me up even. I was in and out of shitty jobs and was in a financial mess so I contacted an agency and the rest is history.
What were their requirements?
Hahaha. The first thing they asked me to do was to pull my trousers down so they could have a look!
I got the job so lets leave it to your imagination ?
Is it getting more popular now? Women paying for sex instead of the other way around?
Of course, men paying for sex will always be the most popular. Plus women who pay for sex tend to be a different type of client.
Does size matter for them?
Definitely! A good body also. Women also like slightly younger men. Especially married women in the 50’s.
How much do you earn?
It depends but lets say more than 15k PLN every month.
Tax free?
Hahaha. Next question…
How do you see the future?
Are you close?
I think maybe this year. We will see.
What do your friends think you do?
A few of them know. They are fine with it although sometimes it can cause problems with the ones that know. I sometimes think they
Not even for a million PLN?
Hahaha. Tempting but no.
You seem quite happy?
Sure. Why not. Im not hurting anybody and I earn a good living. Thank god I have my good looks otherwise im not sure where I would be now. Its all about my kid anyway. He will have more opportunites than I did. That is my focus.
What happens when your good looks fade as you get older?
I have some plans to open a business one day. I used to work in an estate agency when I was younger and really enjoyed it. Maybe I will open my own estate agency or maybe an art gallery. We shall see.
Will you tell your kid one day?
I havent thought about it. I have crossed many bridges in my lifetime and I will cross that one when I get there ?