Nadia aroused great interest at the Wrocław Tattoo Convent. She loves to draw and has just received a prize for a micro-tattoo. Nadia Latusek is only 11 years old and making waves in the industry! How can an 11-year-old be a tattoo artist?

Photo by Paweł Relikowski

Nadia drew from an early age. After school, she used to watch her parents working in their tattoo studio and she wanted to try herself. She was that good that her parents decided to let her make some tattoos in this years Wrocław Tattoo Convention.

Photo by Paweł Relikowski

Nadia says ‘I like to perform colorful, fairy-tale tattoos. It’s easier for me because for the time being I have not learned to shade yet. But I will slowly learn and probably someday it will come to me’.

Photo by Paweł Relikowski

Her parents tell us that when she wanted to try herself, she started with artificial skin, and the first “real” tattoo she did when she was 10 years old on her mother!  Dad was next, and then friends and family lined up to get their tattoo from Nadia. She did her first commercial work at the convention: “We did not want to waste her talent and now it was a good time to show off her skills to show what she can do,” says Beata “Betty” Latusek, tattoo artist from Betty Tattoo Shop in Wrocław, Nadia’s mother.

Photo by Paweł Relikowski

Nadia’s father responded – when asked if he would like Nadia to be a tattoo artist – I want her to do what is her passion, what makes her happy. He also admits that the popularity of the young tattooist surprised him: – It’s crazy. There is more interest in Nadia than what we do right now at the convention – says Kamil Latusek.

Photo by Paweł Relikowski

Nadia is probably the youngest tattoo artist in Poland and one of the youngest in the world. If she carries on practicing and learning then she could well be the best tattoo artist to come out of Poland. Time will tell.

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