They run ultra-right Twitter accounts, drive around Poland organizing campaigns and sometimes even riots. So who are these Polish “patriots”.

The existence of nationalists in Poland is no joke. Most operate within the framework of the National Movement uniting several organizations: MW, ONR, the Independence March Association, the Association of National Soldiers of the Armed Forces, local movements and Women for the Nation. Although Bartosz Bekier is the exception and runs his own organization.
Patryk Kobyłko
Patryk was recently
In addition, a person being harassed by Patryk Kołbyko reported him to the Monitoring Center for Racism and Xenophobia. The girl said that Kołbyko is stalking her on the internet and sending her racist text messages on her phone. The girl decided to make the text public and at the same time report the matter to the police. One of the text messages from Kołbuszko was ” One day I will have the blood of rainbow riff in my hands .”
Jacek Lanuszny

Part of the National Movement in Upper Silesia. He belonged also to the Duma
In an interview with Rzeczpospolita, he stated that the negative broadcast of TVN’s reportage did not hurt him “in his private, professional or political life”.
– I had such fears, but in general it even made me more popular – he points out. As a councilman, he wants to support patriotic initiatives.
Robert Bąkiewicz

Deputy head of ONR and president of the board of the Marsz Niepodległości. He recently
Bąkiewicz apparently has an idea for a better system, certainly consistent with his vision of Poland as a refuge of Christianity.
“We will clean Pruszków” – was his slogan when he announced his start in the presidential election of Pruszkow. According to right-wing columnist
Krzysztof Bosak
For several years, he has been associated with the National Movement, where he is trying unsuccessfully fight for the chance to be in the next parliamentary elections. He is always very much in the spotlight.
He specializes in the fight against refugees and immigrants from the East, his favorite hashtag is #StopImigracji.
Recently, he has targeted migrants from Asia. On Twitter recently he wrote about Indians from Ubereats. Bosak, however, had reservations about their work. ” Uber Eats driver just passed me – Indian in turban pedaling on a bicycle. Is this such a need that we need to be multicultural? Does this matter require no debate? “- he wrote on Twitter. In an interview for National Media, he spoke negatively of a “dynamic group coming from Asia” and”continually incoming Vietnamese people with hermetic organized crime”.
On September
Jacek Międlar

Incredibly, until 2016, he was a priest. He left the monastery after his superiors imposed a ban on his public appearances which were becoming hateful in which various antisemitic statements were repeatedly made. In February last
The prosecutor’s office is also investigating other words of Międlara.
It concerns spreading the speech of hatred towards Jews, which the former priest said during a sermon on the 82nd anniversary of the establishment of the ONR in Białystok. In July, Jacek Międlar, in a column published on his website, called the Jews various hate names and then called on his readers to harvest. ” That’s enough! Time for harvest. It’s time to separate the wheat. Get out of Poland! ” – he wrote.
Marian Kowalski
He is a candidate for the mayor of Lublin and incredibly also a former candidate for the presidency of Poland. The former deputy head of the National Movement says he is ” against accepting
In an interview for Radio Szczecin, he declared that if he became the president, he would be a Polish Putin.
His dreams include facilitating access to weapons, defending domestic security, and defending Polish soil against foreigners. According to Newsweek, Kowalski recruits troubled, poor, young Poles to his organization. Promising them the dream of an
Adam Andruszkiewicz
Bartosz Bekier

Currently, he heads the far-right group Falandze. His people allegedly organiz terrorist attacks in Ukraine, impersonating the Banderite nationalists.
They document their “achievements” on the portal ” Polak found the Bandit and killed him ” – this is one of the slogans promoted by volunteer anti-Bandana patrols. The members of Falanga were supporting the separatists in Donbas. Until Kyiv issued a ban on entering Ukraine, Bekier and Falanga went to Donbass, where they prepared films and photos with the participation of pro-Russian troops.
Nationalists have it easy right now, thanks to PiS policy, they can use hate speech in public with impunity, organize rallies and show up with forbidden symbols.
Associations like Never Again and the Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior try to report all cases of offenses related to the persecution of minorities.
However, many cases are not followed up seriously which is the fault of the Polish government, which in recent years has turned a blind eye to the antics of the nationalists. ” It is necessary for the Government of the Republic of Poland to develop effective ways of responding to acts of
This phenomenon should be sorted immediately, including by bringing officials using hate speech to justice– wrote Karima Bennoune, a special rapporteur of the United Nations.
Civil society has engaged in the fight against hate crimes, but not the authorities.